5 October 2022
12:30 - 14:30

4th Special Session of the ACTIVA-TE Film Festival

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Gender Right to Health Health Activism

4th Special Session of the ACTIVA-TE Film Festival

medicusmundi and the Alliance for Health will hold the 5th October 2022, at 12:30 pm, the 4th Special Session of the ACTIVA-TE Film Festival on “The improvement of services to attend victims of gender-based violence”, at the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic, located at Vladimir Lenine Avenue, in Maputo.

Day: 5 October 2022 - Time: 12:30 - 14:30
Place: Office of the Attorney General of the Republic, Maputo

This Film Festival will be screened specially at the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic, with the main objective of contributing to the education and awareness of citizens and authorities on Activism and the Right to Health.


In this session, two films will be projected, namely Raúl de la Fuente’s “WOMAN”, and Case Graphics’ Episódio 3 VBG do Seriado ACTIVA-TE, followed by a debate for all age groups, with greater prominence for young people and teenagers.


Any form of violation of the right to health affects the living conditions of the population and, particularly, the health of people in greater vulnerable situations, such as Mozambican women, girls and boys.


For confirmations and more information, please contact:


Suzana Ubisse: +258 87 220 3481 / suzanaubisse1@gmail.com


This activity has the financial support of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and other co-financers.